Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Unruly Shepherds.

It was pretty cold this morning, not much frost around but ice on the windscreen, and it has stayed cold all day. There is talk of snow up in Scotland and even as far down as the Cotswolds. I'm sure I saw a few flakes fall when we were out at afternoon play. This afternoon I looked at Metcheck and it forecast a low of 1C but feeling like -3C. That is for 6.00 tomorrow morning. I never take a chance when it is wet and cold so the car is at the top of the hill. That will save me spending the night worrying.
Our morning was spent up at Pilton Church for the school Nativity Service. The reception class were so cute in their tableau. 'Mary' took her job very seriously, motioning the Angel Gabriel to get a move on up the steps and turning round to shush the shepherds. And what shepherds, no 1 shepherd wasn't too enthusiastic about his robe and kept hiking it up above his knees (and higher). No 2 shepherd spotted mum in the congregation and alternated between waving to her and sticking his fingers in his ears and making faces at no 3 shepherd who joined in the grimacing competition. No wonder Mary got cross with them, it was just so funny and sweet to watch.
At home there were parcels to open, (I so love ebay), one contained 2 chunky,very warm No Fear hoodies, the brown one is perfect for me and Linas has requisitioned the khaki one. I will refrain from mentioning that we look like a 'mother and son' ad, that wouldn't suit his image at all. Having spent the last couple of evenings cleaning I have now put up the main decorations in the sitting room. I was rather disappointed to find that one of the transformers for the lights that I bought last year, isn't working. I know it was a year ago but you should get more than 2 weeks use so I'm going to try complaining at the shop where I bought them.