Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not Shrinking So Dramatically.

There was the slightest hint of a sunset tonight as I left the hospital following a pre-op check. (I'm not actually having a general anaesthetic, just an injection guided by x-rays). At least now I'll know if I'm carrying MRSA. Not that I have so much confidence in my local hospital. I had day surgery a few years ago, it had been postponed because I was too anaemic for surgery. When I turned up for my new date the nurse prepping me told me my iron levels were ok now, wow I thought , they've got equipment that can tell that without me having to give blood! I didn't say anything as I didn't want the surgery to be put off again and all was fine. And nobody bothered to check for MRSA in those days. I was rather pleased to find that I haven't shrunk as much as I thought. Just 1/2", I checked my weight and height last year in Boots and the machine told me I'd lost 2 1/2"! Hopefully all this physio is improving my posture.
We've had a lot of rain again today with the promise of colder drier weather at the week-end. I'm discovering that wearing my beloved crocs can have several drawbacks. Stepping in puddles results in wet socks and they can be lethal on wet floors. Still the comfort and fun of wearing them mean that I generally wear them for work. It's the first time in my life I've had the chance to wear bright pink shoes, (or light pink, purple, lilac or green ), though when I was a student I wore walking boots sprayed gold.