Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All Pink And Fluffy.

It was Christmas dinner with the children today. The whole school in the hall to eat together, children and adults. It took nearly an hour and a half to serve up 140 turkey dinners and give a plant to each of the dinner ladies and teaching assistants. The children all get very excited because they have party crackers and silly hats. At least the tiny plastic toys inside the crackers are appreciated by 5 year olds. I have finally given in and started taking down stuff in my classroom. I always leave it till the last moment because I don't like to see a bare class. Back home I had the urge to make a Christmas decoration using up some of the bits and bobs I have lying around.
And I came up with this super girlie fluffy pink creation. It is only some feather trim pinned onto a polystyrene ball. I did use little seed beads on the ends of the pins but you can't actually see them. The fun of doing this kind of decoration using pins is that when you've had enough it is easy to pull the pins out and take it all to pieces. I'm very tempted to buy another ball and use the purple feather trim which has sparkly bits in it .
3 more mornings of getting up early!