Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Little More Snow.

There was a sprinkling of snow on the ground this morning and the road out of the valley had a lethal skim of black ice. Romas made a big fry up for breakfast. He is so excited by the freezer full of food that he keeps offering to cook for us. I will certainly take him up on the offer while the enthusiasm is still there.
We managed to drive out in the afternoon, the back road was a little icy and in the distance Exmoor was very white but once we were down in Barnstaple there was not a sign of snow or ice. We were going to get the tyre on Peter's car changed but there were so many cars in the garage he will try again tomorrow. The High Street was full of shoppers looking for those last minute presents. Hopefully I only need to make one more trip in for fresh food nearer to Christmas.

On our way home the sun was shining dramatically through the clouds

And most of the ice has gone from the road. Metcheck still has a severe weather warning but has changed the prediction of 12 hours of snow showers to only 3 hours of snow showers tomorrow morning. If the road is clear I'll be able to take Romas' old carpet to the dump and get a new one for him. He and Linas have cleared the nasty old carpet and are removing the Laura Ashley border and repairing the walls so that the room can have a coat of paint as well. Result!