Saturday, December 19, 2009

Romas Finally Home.

We woke this morning to a fine dusting of snow on the ground. This disappeared during the day but the temperature has stayed low and I've spent the day indoors doing more tidying up.
There were some tiny patches of blue sky today but mostly it has been very grey with the occasional sleet and snow shower. I went to collect Romas this evening from the train station and the road at the the top is already becoming icy. He had a long journey due to various cancellations and had to stand all the way. He did have a seat reservation for the longest section but didn't have the heart to ask an old lady to move. His journey from Exeter was enlivened (not) by a large chav girl? with 4 kids and loud and colourful language. When we got home I could see that his hair has been put into many small plaits, an acceptable alternative to dreadlocks. Right now he is moving his stuff into a spare bedroom so we can get on with ripping out the horrible old carpet in his room and replacing it before Christmas - thank goodness. Peter is cooking up a big Chinese meal and then it's the finals of Strictly, though we can't get so excited after last week's results.