Friday, December 18, 2009

Last day Of Term.

It was bitterly cold this morning but very dry so the roads were absolutely fine. Unlike Kent which has had 6 " of snow and 1/2 the schools closed. It has been a lovely day at school. My first stop was to the hospital for a MRI scan. I avoided the indignity of having to put on a horrible hospital gown, by making sure that apart from my bra I wore clothes containing no metal. Then it was just a matter of slipping off my bra and replacing my t-shirt. The air conditioning inside the scanner was a bit cool and the whole process was quite noisy but apart from a slight tingling, (which may have been the way I was lying) there was nothing to it. I was back in school by 9.15 to rejoin my class of hyperactive children. It was dress up as your favourite character day so we had lots of fairies, princesses, racing drivers and spidermen in the classroom. At lunchtime it was the teachers' lunch, we all chip in and one of the TAs gets a lovely buffet - cheeses, pate etc, from M&S. Then we had great fun with our Secret Santa presents. I got a really nice bag filled with strawberry scented lotions and potions from BodyShop mmmm. We were all thrilled to see our old headteacher who has just returned (1 day ago) from a 6 week visit visiting family in Australia. She came in bounding through the door, tanned and full of energy while we were all flaked out in our chairs looking forward to the end of the day.
In the afternoon the children were treated to a magic show by a local entertainer, Dave Hendy, it's a holiday camp type of show and the children were involved all the way through with lots of laughing and shouting. A great end to the term.
GOOD NEWS for me, from January I'll be going back to my 3 afternoons a week contract with the strong possibility of 1 or 2 more half days each week. That means I don't have to panic about finances, phew.
Funniest moment of the day - we were doing the afternoon register , today we were singing a call and response song - **** ***** where are you? to which the child responds by singing Here I am etc. I sang out one child's name not realising he had gone to the toilet. The other children were about to respond by singing He's not here, when a voice as loud and clear as a bell sang out from the toilets beyond our cloakroom Here I am, here I am, How do you do. That was so funny.