Saturday, December 12, 2009

More Stuff Gone.

The sun was shining today as I drove into town. I was taking an old armchair and my dead Dyson down to the dump. I love getting rid of stuff. I went to the dump in Barnstaple as I needed to do some shopping as well. Despite being a much bigger facility than Ilfracombe they only have a tiny re-sale area. I tried several of the big DIY stores for a filter for the washing machine hose but they don't seem to make them any more. We'd taken the hose off the machine to clean the filter and clear the pipe and the filter had got damaged in the process. We've managed to fit it back on as the dirty clothes situation was getting out of hand.
The sun was already going down as I came back from town mid afternoon.

Almost gone.

I was able to get on with my spring clean of Romas' room. If he is prepared to move everything out of his room before Christmas I can get him a new carpet from the carpet warehouse. It is such a small room that it should be easy to find a cheap offcut in a plain colour. I'm still very tired after last night so once we've watched the Strictly results it will be an early night.