Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Busy Day.

There wasn't any ice on the road this morning but it was cold and dark and I was very grateful for a lift up in Peter's car. The breakfast news had been showing snow in London and the gritters getting ready to go out. Snow is such a rarity here it causes all sorts of chaos. Tonight we've both left our cars up top just in case. The metcheck says the temperature tonight will be -2C and feel like -8C. Not a problem so long as it stays dry but the slightest bit of wet and our hill road will be a skating rink. Even tomorrow the daytime temperature is set to be 1C and feel like -5C with this icy wind blowing down from Siberia.
It's been a wonderful day in school. We were quietly watching a dvd when a 'message ' came that the whole school needed to be out in the front playground. And who flew by several times to wave to the children? Father Christmas of course. It is always such a treat to see the children's faces as they frantically wave to him. Then it was time for the children to go home for lunch and get changed for the Christmas party during which time we set up tables in the hall and laid out the mountain of food brought in by the parents. When the children returned in their party finery we had games in the classroom, dance competitions with the girls judging the boys and vice versa, musical statues and a few other silly games. I always make sure that every one gets prizes , it's the praise and acknowledgement that they want, not big prizes. Then it was all down to the hall to be plied with food. I did my stint topping up plates with crisps and biscuits and then it was time for me to leave early for a physio appointment. So I missed out on the fun job of clearing up spilt drinks (or worse) and the final clear up.
It was quite unusual to be driving in bright sunshine. I'm so used to it being completely dark when I get in the car in the evenings. It was another good session with the physiotherapist, the deep massage on my spine is really loosening things up. I may even try cutting back on the painkillers soon.

The sun was going down on my way home from the hospital and I stopped by the Lewis' farm to take some pictures. The grey hill in the distance is the plateau of Dartmoor 60 miles away. It is not always visible and I get a kick out of seeing so far into the distance.

Looking south-west across the bay.
It was really, really cold when I left my car up at the top but ...... only 1 more morning to get up early. I still don't know what work, if any ,I will have in January. No use worrying about that right now.