Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Burnt Offerings.

I was making my way home tonight when my thoughts turned to food- What did I feel like cooking for supper? when it dawned on me that yesterday I'd put some breaded scampi in the rayburn thinking it would make a nice evening snack. Then my mind was distracted by Peter arriving home. That's how addled my brain is at this time of year, not enough sleep and far too much to think about at school. Sure enough when I got home I found a tray of coal-like objects still in the oven. The thing about a rayburn is that it has its own chimney and you can only smell what is inside the oven if you open the door. We've had a few similar mishaps in the past. I still fancied scampi today but this time I remembered to take it out of the oven in time.
Back at school the first official performance went well. We had more 'crowd control' so behaviour was better and a mix up in the arrangement of the chairs resulted in my 'front row rats' sitting right next to the teaching assistants who were able to keep order easily. It's been a very wet day, so wet the children have been cooped up in the classroom for most of the day, even eating their packed lunches in class as the stage takes up quite a bit of room in the hall.

These pretty objects are some of my class' coil pots which they are making as presents for their mums. They chose or mixed any colour they liked but then (linking to our science topic of Light & Dark) made a lighter shade for the inside. I gave them free choice over the glitter which has resulted in some clashing colour schemes - green & purple, or yellow & purple but they like them. Tomorrow they'll make gift tags and if we have time they'll print their own wrapping paper. We've nearly finished the cards which only need some snowflakes and lots of silver glitter. I have a few more ideas up my sleeve but we may not have time. Next week we've got to fit in the carol service at Pilton Church, a Christmas party, a visit from Exmoor Zoo (last time they brought the most gorgeous giant lop eared rabbit), and a show by our local children's entertainer/puppeteer.