Saturday, December 26, 2009

Free At Last.

There was plenty of rain in the night which helped to clear a lot of the ice. The only bit remaining this morning was the whole of our drive which had thick ice in the ruts. Romas and I managed to hack through and clear the ice making it possible for Peter to get the car out. Peter's joints are too susceptible to any injury for us to let him join us in such work.
Rant warning!
Boxing Day is normally a day for lazing around but I did get into cleaning mode and tackled the bathrooms. Give me a pair of rubber gloves, plenty of hot water and a bottle of cleaning gel and I fly through the cleaning. Mind you why do men, who are basically have the ability to aim and point still manage to ...... well..... splatter? I'm sure if they had to do the cleaning that problem would not occur. Oh well it's the holiday season so end of rant.

Unfortunately the dump and the carpet place aren't open but Peter is buying wall filler and paint today so Romas can at least paint his room and be ready for a new carpet on Monday. It has been good to have not too much to do today and there is no school planning to occupy my mind. Next term I'll just be following different teachers' planning and I can put more energy into work at home.
