Monday, December 14, 2009

A Sweet Little Skunk.

Here's a glimpse of my classroom looking all Christmassy. The children's cards look really lovely and each glitter sprinkled snowflake and shaded background is different. I strive to get as much individuality as possible in the children's art work as I can't stand to see 30 pieces of neat and identical work because then it's not really the children's work.
And here's who came to visit us this afternoon, a gorgeous little skunk. The man from Exmoor Zoo came and gave the children an excellent talk on animal colouration.

As well as the skunk there was this little African hedgehog, who wouldn't keep still, a long corn snake and 2 enormous (the size of bananas ), green stick insects. The children were enthralled and most of us had a chance to stroke the skunk. He then produced a pair of feathered showgirl head dresses and got Chris to get up and demonstrate a bobbing mating dance with him. I did do a video but she would kill me if I published it so maybe I'll just put it on the staffroom pc.
Tonight's staff meeting ( on maths targets) was cancelled as too many people are ill and/or worn out. Instead we had a blitz on the staff room which was looking a bit messy. Each day tins of biscuits and chocolates appear, either from members of staff or grateful parents, so we are all living on chocolate. Peter likes going into surgeries after Christmas when everyone apart from him has gone on a post Christmas diet. Lots of nice biscuits with his tea!
Back home I've completed my last bit of paperwork for school Hooray!