Thursday, December 10, 2009

Potato Casserole.

The sun came out today, hooray! We had our final performance of the play this morning. It was quite good fun once it all came together but then again there was the stress of making sure that 31 children sat reasonably quietly and didn't chatter or stick their fingers up their noses. Now all the costumes are safely stowed away and we can concentrate on all the things we are making for Christmas. There is just the small matter of the Carol service at the church. Chris and I had been sitting back fairly relaxed about that as the Year 1 children only have to sing along with the carols, ( reception children do a Nativity tableau - very sweet, and the Year 2 children do the readings.) That is until we were asked to take a whole school carol practice tomorrow as everyone else is out or busy. Normally I wouldn't mind but I've got a rotten cold and my singing voice is more of a growl, still we'll give it a go.
As not much else (publishable) has happened today here is the promised recipe for Potato, cheese & cabbage casserole. It's one of those recipes where exact amounts and times don't really matter. So here goes -
roughly equal amounts of thickly sliced potatoes (skin on or off),
sliced onions,
sliced white cabbage (same size slices as the onions).
And ....
lots of grated cheese (cheddar or Leicester or any hard cheese)
meat - chopped bacon or boiling ring or chorizo or cooked sausages or similar, omit for vegetarian version.
pepper to season
a little oil
heat some oil in the base of a large saucepan or casserole (or slow cooker)
if using bacon, fry in the oil and then remove
put a thick layer of onions in the pan
next a thick layer of cabbage
if using meat sprinkle over the cabbage
season with pepper, we use very little salt in our cooking so we find there is enough salt in the cheese and meat for our taste, others may need extra salt
add several overlapping layers of potato
sprinkle cheese over the potatoes
repeat layers until pan is full , ending with a cheese layer
add water, 1 mug full (250 ml) for a large pan, 1/2 mug for a smaller casserole. The idea is to have at least 1/2 " at the bottom to prevent burning, the vegetables will also produce a lot of their own liquid.
place lid on casserole dish
Cook on medium heat until everything is hot then either turn heat right down or place in a not too hot oven (150- 200C ) for several hours until cooked through. Sorry to be so vague but cooking in a rayburn is dependent on the direction of the wind, how much you put in the oven, if you have guests coming or if it's the second Tuesday of the month.