Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Shells For The Collection.

As Peter was driving today I was able to take some pictures along the road to Woolacombe.
This is the 'main' road looking west. When I had my landrover it was easy to see that here the sea is on 3 sides.It was a bit cloudier today but no rain thank goodness.

And finally coming down the side of the combe (valley) to the beach village of Woolacombe. When I used to teach in the village school, (just below the large white building), I never minded being on playground duty as the views (to the left ) are unspoilt coast with no buildings and there was always the sea just below.

There was absolutely no wind today and the sea was completely flat. There were some hopeful surfers around but they would have had a hard time trying to find any waves to surf.The sea had brought up more shells so we had a good hunt for those pretty purple mother of pearl shells. I can't wait to work them into some jewellery.

A good view of Lundy on the horizon.
The rest of my day has been spent doing some final paperwork for school and another cleaning session in Romas' room.