Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day.


We've had a lovely relaxed Christmas Day. A good lie-in listening to the radio including some one saying that by now the turkey was in the oven and the vegetables all prepared! Buying a frozen turducken and goose fat roast potatoes was a sensible move knowing how difficult it is to cook in a rayburn with its small oven and poor temperature control. They cooked beautifully while I prepared all the other vegetables, red cabbage, parsnips, Brussels sprouts plus stuffing and pigs in blankets. We are all happily bloated and preparing for a lazy evening in front of a roaring wood fire. Being not posh we open our presents in the morning hence the mess in the sitting room. As we haven't been able to get into town for last minute shopping the presents were a little more restrained which wasn't a bad thing. There is still a mountain of chocolate and other goodies, more than enough for any one family. Luckily I'm feeling a lot better today so I could enjoy the Christmas goodies.

Both boys have been helpful with Romas doing a grand job keeping the fire supplied. He also helped me out when I couldn't make it up to the hens (see amusing clip and hear the sound of the mad call duck on Paul's lake).

The sun has been shining today but unfortunately just enough to melt some of the snow which then freezes into even more treacherous ice sheets. I couldn't even walk around the garden to take photos. Luckily yesterday I had cleared the ice from the path in the yard so that anyone, ie me, going to the bins , doesn't break their neck in the process.