Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Working Day.

Apart from driving into town to collect Romas from the bus station, the whole day has been spent decorating. I thought I was nearly finished but all those fiddly bits take time. I played around with the tiles that I bought and after a few mishaps I was able to create a more finished effect with a border and mitred corners. Peter has been buried in his OU work, this is a compulsory maths unit and at one point I could hear the strains of Leonard Cohen, (normally my listening choice not Pete's), coming out of the study. Maths is not his strong subject.
I didn't take one decent shot today so I've included a couple from the archives. When he was here the other weekend, Linas downloaded the software to get my negative scanner up and running. I'll need to set aside plenty of time to transfer the many negatives I have in the cupboard. Here are a couple of pictures of Elwen and Patch that we did as tests.
You would never see them sleeping together like this now.

A very young Elwen, I think.