Sunday, October 12, 2008

Perfect Weather.

Woke this morning to clear skies and mist over the 'moor' field.
Our 'loft' jackdaws were warming up in the morning sun at the top of the highest tree. From the sounds upstairs there may be one more brood of chicks up in the loft.

By the time I went outside to feed the hens it was 18C in the shade - lovely.

I couldn't resist a little wander up the hill. My progress was watched by this white-faced pony.

Peter had to rest up in the morning so we didn't go to church. During the week he had several installations to do and the combination of carrying equipment and crawling under desks to sort out cables had proved too much for his back. Painkillers and rest seems to have done the trick and he is up and about this evening.
Sunny Sunday afternoons mean car boot time. Possibly the last of the year. I am being very selective and only bought a few things. I was keeping my eyes open for sink and bath taps as some of ours are looking very scruffy. No luck this time. Previously I had bought 2 full large tins of white outdoor paint for 50p each instead of £20 + in the shops.

The weather all day was absolutely perfect. In the afternoon it was 25C in the sun with a little cooling breeze. I managed to do some tidying out in the garden while Linas did some more work on the drive.

There was a beautiful sunset. My camera doesn't really catch the colours properly and being down in the valley it's not a clear view. We are very lucky in that our bedroom has east and west facing windows which means that we get the sunrise and the sunset.