Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rainy Day Again.

Another misty rainy day. Each time I went out to do some work in the garden it started to rain again so I ended pottering around indoors instead. Last night we had heavy rain, 40mm, but luckily Romas had put wood across the road and that diverted most of the water into my neighbour's field.

We went to church in the morning in Ilfracombe. This picture was taken just above Ilfracombe and if you look carefully across the Bristol Channel you can see the Welsh Mountains. I think they finally had a ferry going over to Wales this summer.

It was a happy time at church as 2 youngsters were getting baptised. Kevin titled his talk, 'Health and Safety' and before talking about the significance of Baptism had us all in fits as he donned rubber ring, arm bands, snorkel and bike helmet. Well, the baptisms take place in a mini swimming pool in the middle of the seating area so it doesn't do to take chances. Seriously ,it is good to see youngsters who had lost their way, accepting God into their lives.

In case anyone is wondering, we are Christians who try to follow Jesus' example in loving all of humanity but we have no difficulty in accepting that biology, evolution and science of all kinds is the result of God's creation. Other Christians may hold different views but the important thing is knowing that God is there for us and Jesus is the Son of God who came to offer us eternal life. I won't be posting sermons or anything like that on this blog but I thought readers who don't know me might like to know where I am coming from.