This morning we were greeted by blue skies and fluffy clouds.
You can see how steep the road is, and because it is north facing it gets very little sun in the winter and has a tendency to have black ice. I've had a few near misses trying to get down it in icy conditions. Our house is to the left of the picture.
I chose a different way into work this afternoon and I was able to stop at the top of Whitefield Hill to get some views of the countryside.
This morning I was sorting through some of Vytas' papers to look for a document that he needed and I came across a pile of birthday cards. (He's a hoarder, like me). Amongst the cards was one of those musical cards where you could record your own message. I had recorded myself singing Happy Birthday, as you do, but I had also got our dog Zulu to bark on the message. He would always bark if someone drove down into our valley and it was rather poignant to hear his husky bark again.