I had to go to South Molton this morning and then had 4 hours to fill before a doctor's appointment. I decided it wasn't worth going home for an hour and a half so first I took the scenic road back through Filleigh and Swimbridge instead of zooming down the Link Road at 60mph. There were some nice autumnal colours but nothing spectacular and the light was very flat and grey so I didn't take any pictures. I was listening to Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis which made the journey into an amazing experience. Good thing there was no traffic because I was in another zone. I then spent 2 hours mooching around all the shops in Barnstaple and ended up buying ...... 2 birthday cards. At least I know now that there isn't anything I want to buy in town. I also dropped into Tesco's where strangely a large black cat was sitting in the middle of the entrance and everybody had to manoeuver their trollies around it. I did stop and give it a stroke just to check if it was injured or something but it seemed quite content and was wearing a collar so perhaps it was just waiting for somebody.
I dropped the boys off in town so they could do their own shopping before heading off to the pub. They were trying to get the ingredients to make smoke bombs but luckily they weren't able to buy most of the things they wanted. ( Note to government censors reading this blog..... they are NOT making bombs.) Not a joke, the government has or will be getting the right to read everybody's emails as well as web searches. My cold is making me feel rough so that was all I did today