Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lynmouth Revisited..

More very heavy showers today with bright sunshine. I spent the morning putting things back in the spare room as well as repairing and cleaning the door before I paint it. I've even taken it off the hinges so I can paint it flat as you're supposed to. Went to work in the afternoon.
I thought I'd show some pictures of the Lyn River and Lynmouth, taken a few months ago when we went to the Folk Festival there. The river runs through a steep gorge and there are spectacular walks on both sides of the river up to Watersmeet.

56 years ago there was a dreadful flood with massive boulders crashing down the river and destroying houses. This is the reason for the concrete flood defenses at the river mouth.
36 people lost their lives on that dreadful day.

It was a beautiful day when we were there.

I thought these tree roots looked like the gates to Moria.

A few photos of the harbour, looking across the Bristol Channel towards Wales. There was an experimental wave /electricity generator out in the sea but sadly they have decided not to develop it into a commercial power plant though I did hear that there is going to be one up off Scotland.

The (ex) fishing village of Lynmouth lies at the foot of the cliffs and up above is the much bigger village of Lynton. About 30 years ago we stayed at the youth hostel there for the first night of our 'Two Moors ' walk from coast to coast.

The old light house with an old WW2 mine in front being used as a giant collecting box. I remember there being one on the harbour in St Ives when I was little.