Monday, October 20, 2008

The Last Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

The heavy rain started mid-morning and by the time I went to work at lunchtime the roads were already starting to flood. This was a shot taken on the way home, through the windscreen because I didn't want to get wet. Twice on this stretch of road I have driven into floods that were too deep and ended up needing rescuing.

On the way down the hill the view was almost completely obscured by the heavy rain.

This morning I discovered these white gloss paint paw prints, from the newly painted window sill. Luckily they were only on the carpet underfelt and the hall carpet which is so threadbare that it has holes in it. Examination of paws has produced no suspects but Birthday came home yesterday evening and left at 4.00 this morning. I know because he scratches at our door so that I can let him out of the window.

Now here is the great transformation.

This is not quite the 'Before ' picture, I had to clear a lot of clutter and repair the many dart holes etc in the walls before I could bring myself to take a photo.

The poor old Dawn Treader , which I had copied from one of CS Lewis' books, had a large hole in the middle of the sail - sons!

'After', - a plain tidy room. The carpet needs to lay flat for a while before I do the final fitting but the whole room is so much better. The objective was to make a simple guest room.

I am quite pleased with the tiles, not quite a perfect job but not a bad match for the room. I plan to build a shelf unit under the sink , ( sink and carpet are more pink in real life), with baskets for storage. Now which project to move onto next ?