Friday, October 10, 2008

Sad News.

Sunrise this morning.

I opened my emails this morning to read the sad news that my Uncle Pranas has just passed away at the grand age of 98. We had only met him once when Peter and I went on a 'meet the relatives' holiday in Canada back in 1983. My mother and her brothers and sister left the family home in Lithuania back during the War. After a time in Displaced Persons camps in Germany they moved to Canada where most of them stayed. My mother went to France to study art and then came to the UK before I was born. She distanced herself from the rest of the family, maybe because they were only her half-brothers and sister and maybe because her life style was so different to theirs. For many years I have kept in touch with my Canadian relatives through letters , cards and a few visits. Although it is a long distance relationship I do like the feeling of having an extended family.

At a family wedding, late 1940's ?
Uncle Pranas is 3rd from the right and my mother is 3rd from the left.

Aunt Monica and Uncle Pranas with Peter, when we visited them in Montreal in 1983. Pranas always seemed to be smiling and he cheerfully drove us from Montreal to Toronto. One thing I remember from that visit was that he was a keen have-a-go DIYer and would volunteer to do projects for all the family. He always sent us cards at Christmas and Easter with a little note on how he and his sister were getting on and he was interested to hear news of our boys.

I am the resurrection.
If anyone believes in me,
even though he dies he will live,
and whoever lives and believes in me
will never die.