Friday, October 3, 2008

Last of the Summer Wildflowers.

On my way to work this morning I had to wait while Mr Lewis' cows crossed the road. These lovely ladies are the main reason my car is filthy again even though it was only washed a few days ago. I feel obliged to wash the micra because it is a girlie car, unlike my old landrover which only got washed when the firemen were doing a charity wash day. I taught all day, 2 different classes so 2 lots of p.e. which is good for me as it is something I have to work harder at than other areas of the curriculum.
The weather continues to be variable with occasional heavy showers. The winds are hastening the onset of autumn so I thought I'd show some wild flowers that were still in bloom a few days ago.

The blackberries had fruit and flowers on the same plants but this summer was so bad there wasn't a good crop of blackberries .

The Himalayan Balsam isn't a native wild flower but there are long stretches of it up on the road. If you gently touch the ripe seed heads they explode violently with an audible snap, - great fun.
I didn't manage to identify this weird looking caterpillar.