Monday, October 27, 2008

Rainbows and Hailstones.

It's been a day of sunshine and showers. It was lovely and sunny in the morning when the BT engineer came to check the phone line. All weekend the phone quality had been dreadful, crackly and echoing and the broadband had been snail-like but once the rain cleared it all improved. So the line was tested, declared OK, no line replacement. We know the conduit is all smashed up but until the line fails completely we just have to put up with it. The rest of the morning was spent collecting Romas and his friend from Barnstaple with some food shopping at the same time. This afternoon my gardening kept getting interrupted by hail showers until I finally gave up. There were some good rainbows including a double rainbow over the house.

The second rainbow can just be seen in this photo.

There were brief sunny spells and dramatic cloudscapes between the showers.

Last week I was going to town in a t-shirt, today hailstones. Cold temperatures have been forecast for the rest of the week. I better send Romas to the woodshed to get more logs for the wood burner.