Gemma and I had fun looking through Romas' photo albums and I managed to narrow my selection down to just a few to share with all of you out there.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Romas .
Today is Romas' birthday.!
His brother gave him 30 bars of chocolate and by request I made 12 of them into a giant chocolate brick. He, Jake and Linas started on this for breakfast accompanied by chocolate icecream and coffee in various combinations. I can think of worse things a 19 year old could be doing. He has the rest of his band staying over, (they are doing a photo shoot with Gemma tomorrow), and they have spent the day shooting each other with air rifles. I cooked an enormous pasta bake, followed by a chocolate gateau which hopefully will have lined their stomachs for the drinking session I know they have planned for this evening outside in the barbecue area.