Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DIY Begins.

Woke up at 3.30 this morning. Unfortunately I find it hard to get back to sleep without the radio on but I didn't want to wake Pete up. Eventually I gave in and turned on the shipping forecast at 5.00 and had just started to doze off when it was 6.00 and time to get up. At least I should fall asleep quickly tonight. The forecast of cloudy and scattered showers was accurate though it is still fairly warm. Romas got all in a tizz this morning because he couldn't find the key to undo the pedal from his drum kit which he needed for college. Result - we were too late for the bus and I had to drive him into college. Luckily this coincided with a visit to the sub-post office near his college. There used to be a sub-post office in Shirwell on the way into town and another one in Pilton but they have both been closed down. The main post office in town is always very crowded with long queues so I prefer to go out to Sticklepath.
I dropped into B&Q to get paint for Linas' old room. I also looked at tiles for the sink splash back as the existing tiles are badly done white tiles. I enjoy interior design and I like the challenge of making something look good while spending very little and using the resources I already have. So the challenge is to use the deep pink handbasin,(yuk), and the plain similarly coloured carpet that a friend gave me. I'm also going to keep the good quality lined and padded curtains that my mother had made. They have a random, fairly inoffensive geometric pattern that also has that pink in. I wanted to tidy the splash back by either replacing the tiles altogether, adding a border or stenciling around them. But pink is such a retro colour that not one tile in B&Q had a speck of pink and even the clearance tiles were £9.00 a box. I then tried another tile store and bingo, they were selling all their out of style tiles including some that had just enough pink to look co-ordinated, and they were only 10p each! I only need 6. Tomorrow I'm at home all day and hopefully cracking on with that room to create a tidy guest room.
The skies were very grey today so I'm posting some pictures that I took on my way home last week.

Come back blue skies!