Thursday, October 16, 2008

Autumn Sun.

I had the morning at home so I carried on with the decorating. I was very relieved to find the paper I had put up yesterday had dried to an almost perfect finish. My plans to finish papering the second wall came to a halt when I found myself needing just another 4ft of paper. That last bit got done in the evening after I bought another roll of lining paper. The room should be all done by next weekend.

I saw these lovely clouds on the way into school at lunchtime.
I had to do a lesson on 'an object that is special to me' and because I had forgotten to bring in something I put my camera in a bag and described it as my 'memory catcher' to see if the children could guess my special thing. They did, eventually. Indeed my camera helps capture so many special moments. Just looking at the first pictures of my boys , taken when they were only a few minutes old, brings back such special feelings.

The sun shone all afternoon and brought out the autumn colours of this tree in the school grounds.

I stopped on the way home at Upcott Cross to take these pictures.

The camera darkened the sky because of the sun but I like the way the clouds are back lit.

Off to bed now as it is past 11.00.