Thursday, October 2, 2008


This was us 32 years ago, before 3 sons, a few extra pounds and crumbling joints.
After all this time I would be lying if I said it had been all sweetness and light, we've both got strong personalities so sparks have often flown but we are still together. What ever fall-outs we've had during stressful times there has always been one thing and that's complete trust.
With both of us being busy at work and tired, we were happy enough with a home cooked Chinese meal this evening.
The dreaded tummy bug struck down another member of staff yesterday so I was called in to work all day. The overnight torrential rain stopped mid morning and there was bright sunshine and a few showers for the rest of the day. Most of the morning was spent at the swimming pool where I was supervising the children who weren't in the pool. Not too hard, a bit boring really.
More photos of yesterday's walk at Morte Point just because I love the place so much.

I was trying to squeeze in extra pictures side by side but it hasn't worked and they are a bit higgldy piggldy. Oops.