It was a wet and miserable day with the children being stuck in their classroom all day and only getting out for a run in the afternoon playtime. The children with packed lunches even ate their lunch in the classroom instead of in the hall, I'm not sure why. This always makes the classroom humid and smelling of food. I took refuge in the staffroom. It was completely dark as drove home because I had gone over to Brian Ford's,(a local cut price (sometimes) food store) to do my food shopping. The selection varies a lot but sometime you can get excellent bargains and when something is going cheap I fill up the freezer. It is always much quieter on Thursday evenings than on Fridays. This may be linked to the fact that Fridays used to be cattle market day and it is still the main day for fruit, vegetables and plants in the Pannier Market and includes farmers' stalls.
Now I'm off to complete the accessories for my costume, photos tomorrow - maybe.