Monday, November 24, 2008

Chasing Sunsets.

As I left work this evening I could see the most beautiful sunset. The sky was full of soft pinks and golds. Unfortunately Barnstaple is mainly on flat ground by the river and you can't get a good view. By the time I had got to a higher vantage point the character of the sky had changed. Next time I may try and find somewhere to park so that I can walk up onto the New bridge and possibly get some shots over the estuary.

At one point the sky reflecting the sunset was pink with light blue clouds.
Not the best elevation but the last sight of the soft sunset colours .....

....... which then became much more dramatic.
You can imagine a whole fiery landscape in those clouds.

The Sky men came this morning and put in a new box, we've now got all our usual channels back but they couldn't get the upstairs tv to respond to the controller. It did once upon a time but now you have to trot all the way downstairs if you want to change the channel. I taught in the afternoon, tag rugby which was quite cold as the icy wind was blowing from the east, down from Siberia?