Thursday, November 27, 2008

Being Thankful.

This morning I took Romas to The Ariel music centre where his band were due to do some recording. He tells me they laid down the drum tracks for all their songs so that next session they won't have to set up the drum kit and he can work on the mixing. This is all part of the music course that he is doing at college ( Sorry, can't remember how to do the bit about renaming links.)

Standing beneath the radio aerial that was used for ship to shore communication, is an impressive set of junk drums.

It was a typical wet Devon day.

You can see how low the clouds are looming over Little Hangman and Great Hangman, the cliffs at Combe Martin.

This afternoon I got a reasonable shot of the woodpecker that often visits our bird feeder. It's been a wet day at home and eventually I gave up waiting for the rain to stop. I togged up in a big old gardening coat and went out to finish planting ornamental grass above and in front of the block wall along the drive. It's not really the right time to plant things but if it doesn't take all I will have lost is an afternoon's work while if it does take then it's one more job done and by mid spring the 12" grass should be hiding all the blocks. It wasn't rain that stopped me but the dark so I well may have ended up planting some of the grass upside down! It's a grass that grows well in the garden so I've plenty more if I need to replant in the spring.

As it is Thanksgiving (US) today I thought I would follow Julie's thread and make a list of things that I am thankful for :
!. That God is in my life and that my family know God.
2. That I am loved by a good man.
3. That our sons are all growing up into contented, sensible young men and look as if they will be able to follow their chosen careers.
4. That apart from minor wear and tear ailments , we are all healthy.
5. That I live in a country where I do not have to fear becoming ill.
6. That I do not have to fear attack on my family by armed militia.
7. That we live in a comfortable home with beautiful views from every window.
8. That we have secure jobs which will not be affected by the recession.
9. That the people I work with are caring and supportive of each other.
10. That we live in the countryside in one of the most beautiful parts of the country.
11. That we have good friends.
12. That my food worries are about how to eat less not how to feed my family.
13. That the sea is only 20 minutes away by car.
Gosh, that makes me feel so much better, it's good to be positive.