Saturday, November 1, 2008

Seedsaving and garlic varieties

I was already familiar with some of the vendors at the Carolina Farm Stewardship's Sustainable Ag conference, but have had fun discovering new sources, and putting faces to some of the familiar names.

It was fun to meet some of the folks from the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (I've received their catalogs and used some of their seeds for years).

They had a wonderful display of garlic varieties, along with some winter squash. I couldn't help it; I bought more seeds, garlic, and some multiplier potato onions. I want to run home and start planting. (And it's a beautiful day, too, much too nice to spend in the Civic Center...) But....

Another regular display promotes seed exchange between member seed savers. There were lots of jars of different kinds of interesting seeds, with seed envelopes to take small quantities to try in your farm or garden.