It wasn't too cold this morning and when I went out to feed the hens I was treated to the sight of 2 little bats swooping over my head.We have a small colony of pipistrelle bats which spends part of the year in one of the lofts. It is the same loft that the jackdaws nest in and I was worried that the jackdaws might have frightened the bats away, or worse, but I have been informed that bats have separate nursery roosts which is why they disappear for part of the year.
I spent the whole day teaching a year 2 class today and I'll be teaching them again tomorrow afternoon. I've just about got the names of all 120 children in the school sorted. Today was spent making cardboard and newspaper mexican-style masks and we even managed to get the first coat of paint on. That was quite an exercise in logistics as I was on my own with 28 children in the afternoon .
I found this clip of Lynton which gives a fairly good view of the town right next to The Valley of The Rocks. I'm not sure if the commentary is supposed to be straight reportage or dry humour , it falls somewhere between the two. Enjoy.