Friday, November 14, 2008

Trefor's Party.

The party at the Wrey Inn tonight was to celebrate Claire's husband Trefor's 30th birthday. Claire with bump, aka Bob the Builder, is the reception teacher whose class I'll be teaching full-time in January. Unfortunately due to illness and previous commitments there were only myself, Peter and one other teacher from our school and most people there were teachers from Trefor's school.I'm glad we went but we didn't talk to that many people. It must be my age but I do find it annoying when the music is at such a level that it is very difficult to hold a conversation. It is hard to go and chat to new people when it's like that. Some of the best parties I've been to in the last year (and I go to very few parties), have been 'girl' parties at a colleague,s house where there has been lots of drink/ music/ ribaldry but also the chance to talk and have a good laugh. Nic's husband used to be in the forces but is now on an 18 month contract as an engineer for the British Antarctic research base. He had to have all sorts of training including being able to do minor operations if the base doctor became incapacitated. An amazing opportunity though the pay is not a great deal and it is hard for his family left in the UK.

This is my 'Galadriel' costume. The cloak is properly made and has a siver version of the leaf brooch seen in the films.

The dress was more of a chop, pin and hope it fits job made from a negligee set I got in a local charity shop.

The crown and the brooch were an exercise to see how close I could get to the original film props using foil backed card instead of wire and sheet metal. It was hard to stick the pieces together and I ended up using a combination of prit stick, sellotape and super glue which was very good at sticking my fingers together but not so good on the shiny card.

I also adapted some goblin ears by cutting them down, bending and sticking them with resin and finishing off the tips with some tile adhesive and a bit of paint. I enjoyed having a try at producing an elven style costume the one major problem being that I'm definitely not a slyph like elf shape though of course until I look in the mirror or at the photos my imagination shaves a good few pounds off the reality.