Friday, November 7, 2008

Planning For Next Term.

It was raining this morning as I left for work, dry during the day and raining again as I set out for home. It has been an interesting day as the morning was spent talking about daily/weekly routines, planning, assessment etc for the reception classes with the current teacher, ( who is fantastically organised and very professional ), and the new teacher who will be taking the class that starts in January. I will also have to have 3 new children as my class will be just 28 children and one little girl with Downs Syndrome is technically in year 1 and is counted on their register. I think 31 children in one class is too many but that's the system for you. I taught the reception class in the afternoon, music was a firework poem with lots of instruments and voice work and then it was a maths activity making collages of Menorahs. I thought we were going to have a very quiet weekend as Romas has gone down to Bude and won't be returning until late on Monday after he and his friends have been to see a band at Yeovil. However I was just sitting down to a simple plate of steamed vegetables with soy sauce, (something I quite like and very low calorie), when Linas and Gemma turned up with bags of shopping. They cooked themselves a stir fry and will be around for the weekend. Just heard a suspicious crunching in the kitchen, went to investigate and found the cats tucking into a bag of cheesey puff snacks which they had hooked out of one of the cupboards. Big telling off and the rest of the snacks have been put somewhere safer.

On my way home the sunset shone through a hole in the clouds and I got some reasonable photos. My main problem now is getting the camera to focus properly. It's got a 10x optical zoom but is a little temperamental about focusing. Any tips? (I can change the shutter speed and aperture manually).

The hills in the background are about 12 miles away.