All is quiet in the house. Most of the youngsters left yesterday and Linas and Gemma went this afternoon. I carried on in 'housewife' mode and cooked a roast dinner and for once the Rayburn was hot enough to make good roasties. Peter has been suffering today with a very painful elbow again but hopefully the anti-inflammatories will settle it down. My afternoon was spent gardening. I'm a bit disappointed that my cold took up most of the holiday but then I wouldn't like to have gone to work while I was feeling rough. No looking back, I need to look onwards and plan the next stage of the house and garden tidying. I'm in school all day tomorrow to cover for injury, family complications and birthing class.
Now for .... The Valley of The Rocks. ...... part 2
Goats and Rocks.
There are many wild goats in the valley. This has caused some bitter arguments in the neighbouring town of Lynton as they do go in and raid peoples' gardens. There was an outcry last winter when the town council quietly got in a marksman and shot a large proportion of the herd.