Monday, November 17, 2008

Keeping Fit.

Today after school we had to attend a PE training session at Yeo Valley School. Despite the fact that none of us were looking forward to going it was actually very good as it was about fun games for in the classroom or at lunchtimes, that got the children active. As adults we had a good laugh and it was easy to see how these games could be adapted for different ages and abilities so that the children could get more enjoyment from their playtimes while using up lots of energy safely. Too often, as is the case with the daily PE plan we are supposed to follow, the activities are either boring or not very practical in a small hall with a limited amount of equipment. The government are really pushing the amount of activity the children do which is a good thing when you see how many overweight youngsters there are. I know I'm overweight but it's a bit more understandable at my age and I am truly shocked by the numbers of very fat teenagers I see in town. No wonder the health professionals are worried. I thought this clip was a nice link between today's PE and yesterday's sheep post. I discovered the Shaun the sheep animations one morning when the tv had been left on a different channel and I think they are absolutely brilliant.