Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Busy Day.

The sun was just starting to set as I drove home from school. The morning was spent slaving behind a sewing machine and the costume is looking .... acceptable, though I will need some safety pins at strategic points. Year 1 children in the afternoon and then back to school for a New Parents' Meeting. As I drove into town the full moon was making the clouds look very dramatic in shades of grey. I got to wondering, does the phase of the moon stay the same or is it different depending where you are in the world? Did you have a full moon last night? Vytas, you've got a degree in space science , perhaps you could email me an (abridged) explanation.

It was a well run meeting despite our boss having been off sick ( literally) on Monday and running a temperature by the end of the meeting. The parents I spoke to all seemed very nice, I taught the older brother of one of my 3 new children and I got on well with the whole family . Mind you some of the less caring/co-operative parents will be ones who wouldn't come to meetings.

As I drove home I reveled in the warmth of the hot air blowing on my feet. My 25 year old landrover had a lever for heat but it didn't seem to make any difference so I always kept small blankets to put over our laps to keep warm. That landrover is now restored and being driven around in the US. I don't know if it would have new registration plates now but its number when I had it was A613 LEG.