Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Autumn Mists.

The pressure system has changed and today we had warm damp weather. Grey skies all day so I was quite pleased to be at work, (earning money), instead of sitting at home and trying to garden in between rain showers. This is a view looking across Youlston Park at the Shirwell trees at 8.00 this morning.

And yes I'm still sitting in the car.

4.00 this afternoon and all was still grey. The 2 fields along the drive which have been growing grass silage all summer now have stock in them. Heifers in this one .........

......... and sheep in the lower field.

This is the same view yesterday lunchtime. Clear blue skies with occasional fluffy clouds.
The drive drops steeply down into our valley which we share with an equestrian centre.

With this afternoon's class of 5 year olds I did a session on being a good friend. The children drew a picture of a friend and we talked about what makes a good friend. After that we hit Christmas mode making decorations for their class advent calendar. In the morning I had the other Year 1 class and we actually managed to play LaDiDA, sort of.