Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Nest Empties.

Yet another departure today. Soon, when Linas heads off to the States there will just be the 2 of us. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

There was a heavy frost on the ground this morning. Even at 10.00 , when I was driving Romas to catch his train, the frost was so heavy I wasn't sure that we would make it up the hill. The wheels were slipping badly on the ice and my heart was racing by the time we slithered our way to the top of the hill. All the back roads were icy and I drove very cautiously until we reached the main road. Romas went by train to Exeter, with a vast amount of luggage, to meet a fellow student at Keele who was driving up. He's just phoned to say they made it safely but the roads were quite icy and they had to drive through several snowstorms. The bad weather is due to come south by tomorrow so Peter will definitely be leaving his car up at the top tomorrow.Despite today's bright sunshine some parts of the garden remained frosty all day. With Romas' departure the house now seems very quiet and empty. It has been a good holiday with lots of life in the house with all our visitors though I could have done without feeling ill and without being trapped here by ice.

By the time the youngsters were ready to leave last night it was too dark for the usual group shots outside so I got Romas, Kate B, Vytas and Alex to pose by the Christmas tree instead. (Linas was not around).

Romas is going to have to find a willing helper up at Keele to redo his plaits.

And then Kate took some pictures of us with the boys, (Romas is still at the stage of pulling silly faces). Today we are still in holiday mode feeling relaxed and also rather bloated from all the family meals we've been having. Nothing to do of course with my stash of nice chocs for those odd moments with a cup of tea and a book. I did take the precaution of giving the boys any of my chocolates that weren't my very favourites so that I don't end up eating them just because they are there. And there is my yummy box of barfi that Vytas brought me from Leicester, I must remind Peter that we need to eat the cheeses that Vytas brought him from his conference in Grenoble. Time to watch the diet once the working week starts.