Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Frozen Britain.

It has been rather snowy today. I didn't like the look of the roads this morning so I got a lift in with Peter. As we drove down on icy roads one stupid woman drove just 3 ft behind us until eventually Peter pulled over so that we were then behind her and not in danger of being rammed if we had to make a sudden stop. All morning heavy snow fell covering the playground and field with just the right sort of snow to make snowmen and snow balls. As most of the children had suitable clothing we were able to take them out to enjoy the snow.

I did do some work with my class but most of the children who were doing 'free choice' activities spent their time with their faces up against the windows watching the junior children building snowmen. As most of the other schools in Barnstaple closed for the day, parents came and collected their children from us as well. My afternoon class had halved to just 13 children when we got an invitation from the junior school to come and watch a film (Flushed Away), in their hall with the small number of children they had left for the afternoon. I wasn't too worried about getting home because even if I did have to hitch & walk there was still 1 1/2 hours of daylight left and I had all the proper gear for a walk in the snow. Luckily I was able to get a lift home with a new member of staff whose mum collected us in a 4x4 and dropped me off at Bowden corner which is less than a mile from home.

The main roads had been gritted but all the back roads were snowy and icy. Although we had snowy weather last February that was confined to the hills with even nearby Barnstaple being virtually snow free while we had 3ft of snow on the road. This time the snowy weather is country wide and is being described as the worst snowfall in 30 years with no immediate end in sight for this cold spell. The police have described North Devon as being a 'critical incident'.
Walking on the snow that had fallen during the day it was interesting to see the variety of tracks that had appeared. It took me a little while to work out that these odd sets of 4 were the tracks of a hare hopping through the snow.

Peter is expected to drive 60 miles to work whatever the conditions but if the main roads are closed by tonight's expected heavy snowfall they'll just have to do without him.

I was lucky enough to walk home in the light but Peter has just phoned me from Barnstaple where it is snowing again. He'll probably be able to drive up Whitefield Hill and leave the car at Indicott walking the last mile through the snow in the dark. I'm supposed to be working all day tomorrow but a decision about opening or closing the school will be made at 7.00 tomorrow morning. That will give me enough time to get in one way or another.