Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Thaw Continues.

A quick look at Metcheck last night got me worried again as it predicted actual temp -7C, luckily the cold front did not quite make it so far west and instead the gentle thaw continued so there was no extra ice to worry about.

Mid-day and it was very misty as I walked up the hill to the car. I managed to reach the heady speed of 5mph but slowed down after wobbling a bit on the ice. Once on the main road I felt as if I was positively flying at 30mph! People at school have no idea how different it is up here in the hills.

On the way home I drove through Muddiford which had lost all of its snow but up on the hill tops above the trees the fields were still white. Climbing up Whitefield Hill the snow started to reappear by halfway up with large drifts pushing through the gateways and by the top of the hill all the fields were white once more. Most of the back road is still icy with the ice and snow in the middle scraping at the underneath of my poor little car.

Since the snow first fell normal life has been suspended as I haven't felt motivated to start any big household jobs. Once the basic housework has been done and the hens fed I tell myself that marching up and down the hill is quite enough exercise and I spend my free time working on the jigsaw while keeping an eye on the local news or listening to the radio. Timetables have been sorted out at school and it looks as if I'll be teaching 3 afternoons plus one full day each week in 3 different classes. That way I'll be able to get things done at home as well.