Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stuck At Home.

This was the scene at 7.00 this morning, 6" of snow on the ground and more falling. I was pretty relieved when the text message came through that the school had been closed and I didn't need to make my way in.

By mid-day the sharp easterly winds had calmed down and the snow had stopped falling. I made a large pot of hearty soup which we left simmering on the rayburn while we wrapped up well and went out for a walk up the hill.

The winds had already started to blow the winds into drifts on the road down into the valley. It was easier to walk up through the fields than try to get through the 4ft drifts.

Luckily Peter's car is right up by the road but he won't be going anywhere for a while as the only vehicles able to drive on these untreated roads are tractors.

All day long the local news has shown snow and ice , roads closed, cars and lorries slipping on the ice, warnings to stay home, hundreds of schools closed across the county and people having fun in the snow. The prediction for tomorrow is for not much snow here but icy and treacherous roads. I've started a jigsaw puzzle, (Peter always buys me one for Christmas), it's a totally pointless activity but very satisfying, maybe I have OCD traits. I don't even look at the picture while I'm doing them to make it more challenging. What better way to spend a snowy afternoon while listening to the radio.