Friday, January 8, 2010

The Big Freeze Continues.

Temperatures in Devon went down to -19C last night. The whole country is affected by the snow and ice, road salt running out, only 1/2 the work force able to get to work and some power cuts. And it is all set to last for another week. At home the pressure has been taken off us as due to Peter being forced to take his holidays at odd times to fit in with everyone else means that he is actually on holiday till Wednesday. And I'm not due in to work until Tuesday afternoon.
I went out for a walk this morning and found that Paul and Keith had managed to scrape the drive clear though I would be rather nervous about driving on the packed snow.

The road itself has also been scraped clear but not gritted of course.

I walked down to Ashelford Corner to check the state of the road. I had a hospital appointment in the afternoon so with Peter driving we went down Whitefield Hill. It is a very steep and winding hill with high banks on either side but being a well used road it does get gritted and was reasonably clear. I found the whole journey, first on the packed snow and then down the hill rather nerve wracking and I am forever grateful that I once gave Peter a skid driving course as a birthday present. At the hospital the consultant showed me the MRI scans and the next step is a course of injections into the spine. I pray that they are effective as after that we would be looking at spinal surgery. By the time we got back to the top of the drive it was getting dark and the walk down the hill in a biting wind was not a pleasant experience.