Thursday, January 14, 2010

Too Icy To Drive.

Last night's clear skies turned all that lovely slush into ice. There was no way I was going to attempt to drive on the ice so I rescheduled my physio appointment and Linas did the same for his Job Centre appointment. The jigsaw puzzle has been completed and is now back in its box waiting to be returned to the charity shop. Instead I have being doing more constructive work. I continued to catalogue my photo files which are currently stored in date order on the hard drive and on back-up pen drives. Being an old fashioned sort of person I prefer to flick through a real book rather than turn pages on the pc so I'm using a diary from last year to categorise the photos I took each day. At the same time I'm making a note of the best photos as I would like to make a photo book of 2009 with my favourite photos from each month. I also worked on my portfolio, sorting and labelling photos from my previous classes. That way, if I ever do go for a job interview I'll be able to show a little of the way I teach and organise my classes.
The sun has been shining so I went for a walk around the garden to check out the plants in the snow.

Even last year's dead leaves have their own calm beauty when outlined with frost.