Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sunshine And Snow.

The sun came out today making the snow look crisp and sparkly. What else was there to do but head up the hill for a long walk. Yesterday's trudge through the snow was a bit much for Peter's knee so today I went alone.
Snow is such a rare event for us, (this is only the 4th time in 15 years), that I was determined to enjoy every moment and not just sit indoors.

Somebody had scraped the road clear but Peter's car was stuck in a small snow drift. I hadn't had the sense to bring a shovel up with me but decided to clear the worst of the snow away from the car with my feet and hands. It certainly made for a good work out, plenty of calories burnt off.
And then along came Keith with his tractor to try and clear the drive! Mind you when I returned from my tramp an hour later he had only been able to clear about 20ft. Paul was working from the other end in the valley with his small excavator but I doubt if they would have cleared the track before dark.

I walked down Bowden Lane where I got some good views of the sea and the countryside.

Rookbear Lane is a farm track that leads steeply down to Muddiford. The boys sometimes use it when they decide to come back cross country from Barnstaple. It was a really lovely walk with the sounds of nature all around and the occasional sound of a farm vehicle. The only people I met were 2 farmers in tractors and a neighbour who was using her car to make a track to the road. More snow is predicted for tomorrow (possibly) and Sunday (definitely) so we have no idea how long these conditions will last.