Thursday, January 21, 2010

No Sunshine Today.

It has turned colder but no sign of snow. This morning I gave my poor little car a wash, it wasn't too dirty because I didn't drive much in the snow. Then as I drove past the Lewis' farm the road was covered in mud from the tractors and I could hear the mud splattering up against the car. Now it hardly looks as if it has been washed at all! I also managed to do some more weeding before going to see my lovely physiotherapist. My neck/shoulder is just about sorted and we spent a lot of time talking about my lower back. He gave me a whole set of graduated exercises that will help strengthen my abdominal and lower back muscles and gave me some tips on how to alleviate my pinched nerve while I am waiting for the spinal injections. This afternoon I taught my old class. No problems such as feet stuck in drainpipes today though we did have a workman drilling away in the cloakroom repairing a couple of holes in the outer wall that the children love to push pencils and small toys through. Too grey for photos today so here a couple from the last beach visit.