Friday, January 15, 2010

Bye-Bye Snow.

The snow has almost gone, even from our valley. Last night the whole road was covered in black ice and Peter had a very difficult walk down in the dark. Although the main part of the track is now clear the last section through our garden is still fairly snowy and icy. This morning I went out and cleared the shallow ditch that guides the water through our yard so that the melt water will go straight to the stream and not flood the area around the house.
My Micra can just be seen here nestled in a gateway at the top of the drive. I had to go to work this afternoon. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to don wellies and march to the top of the hill. Now that I am only teaching part-time I am not responsible for putting up displays etc and it seemed very strange to be almost following the children out at the end of the day. I was at the supermarket by 3.50 to do some shopping! On my way home I stopped at Bowden Corner to collect more post as the postman has not been able to get down into our valley yet. The post included a parcel from eBay for me, a very nice cashmere and cotton mix navy blue hooded jumper which I had bought quite cheaply. We are off to Bristol tomorrow for Peter to have his eyes lasered and my 6 month final check up. The forecast is for rain and warmer weather, good - because I'm fed up with worrying about driving on the ice.