The day has been mainly dry after several torrential downpours first thing. I didn't get a chance for a proper lie in this morning as
Linas needed a lift into town. He is spending the day at MIA running round shooting other
airsoft enthusiasts. It's based down in Cornwall but he was getting a lift from
Barnstaple. He'll be returning with too much armament to carry on his scooter which is why he'd requested a lift. At least I was in town early to do my food shopping and then had a rather aimless wander about the shops. I feel rather in limbo at the moment and can't make plans for Christmas or the New Year, normally I enjoy making lots of lists in my head and making
decsions early but I'm reduced to focusing on one week at a time. I have booked an appointment to have my eyelashes tinted, (friends will have fallen off their chairs in amazement as the only make up I ever use is one kohl pencil). I gave up with mascara many years ago as I have a tendency to rub my eyes and make a mess of mascara. I just thought that now my eyes aren't hidden behind glasses it would be worth doing my eyelashes. I couldn't have them done straight away as they had to do a patch test to make sure I'm not allergic to the dye, very sensible.

I haven't done much at home either. Just a bit of bumbling around, a walk in the garden, some piano playing and now maybe I'll get some school work done.