I did take some pictures today but they were of some of my classroom displays for my portfolio and not that exciting. There was a lively flock of wagtails zooming around outside the Tescos store when I went up for a dental appointment but none of my pictures were in focus. The dentist can't find anything too drastic apart from receding gums, (part of ageing) and has suggested that I get a couple of crowns replaced. Fine by me , just a shame I can't have an appointment till January.
There was a storm blowing first thing this morning, I could hear windchimes gently clanging outside even through the double glazing. Lots of rain all day though we did manage to get the children outside for their playtimes. My class got very excited when we closed all the blinds, turned off the lights and I lit one small tea light to demonstrate that fire is a source of light. I had to do the safety thing and stress the danger of matches but then we got into an interesting discussion about stars and planets and stuff.
Peter has a hospital check up tomorrow at our local hospital. They are so considerate at his work, he has to drive 60 miles to be in at work for 8.30, leave again at 10.00 to drive the 60 miles back up here and then return to work for probably 1 hour in the afternoon. Certain members of management are making life as hard as possible for him at every turn. It is very demoralising. I'm so glad I work with a group of people who all support each other because we know how hard the job is for all of us. I did get a reality check when I was listening to the radio on my way home. There was an article about the education system in Malawi. There it is normal to have 100 children in a class and not uncommon to have 200 students with 1 teacher. And children of 7 years old are walking 2 hours each way to get an education. That certainly puts things in perspective. We just don't know how lucky we are.